About Us

Baleen Media is an advertising Company. We help our Clients to publish Ads in Newspapers, TV, Radio, Mobile/Canter Vans, Buses, Auto Rickshaws, No Parking Boards, lamp posts, Apartment Screens & Hoardings.

Driven by the leaders with 20+ years of experience in the advertising industry. Baleen Media is known for creating bigger values and top-notch customer satisfaction through innovative ideas. Baleen Media customer base expands around 4000+ clients in last 9 years. By providing its customers high quality services, Baleen Media is one of the best Ad Agencies in Chennai. This made the company to have 4.7/5 Google Rating. Reaching the right audience, understanding customers’ needs and yielding high returns for every single penny paid.

Baleen Media renders its ATL Services across India Locations & BTL Services across Tamilnadu locations



To Keep every Advertiser Happy and Satisfied through Dedication, Commitment and Quality.


To Create "Trustworthy System" which reciprocates Customer Satisfaction, Publication Comfort & Employee Recognition.

Team Baleen Media

Each Project is well executed by our promising multi-functional team which comprises of Business Development, Client Servicing & Quality Assurance Group.

Our Services

Meet Our Leader

Leenah Grace . L